Research and Development​

Research and development of new applications and quality and process analysis are of worldwide importance. With SpecFIT, low-field Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment (RMNDT) and easy-to-operate software, it is possible to deliver great results!

SpecFIT according to your needs


Magneto FIT-LMA HR27; Gap: 27mm; Field strength: 0.5T; Field homogeneity: 80ppm (Volume up to 18mm x 40mm);

SpecFIT HR50

Magneto FIT-LMA HR50; Gap: 50mm; Field strength: 0.3T; Field homogeneity: 100ppm (Volume up to 40mm x 40mm);

SpecFIT HR60

Magneto FIT-LMA HR60; Gap: 60mm; Field strength: 0.4T; Field homogeneity: better than 100ppm (Volume up to 50mm x 50mm);

SpecFIT HR100

Magneto FIT-LMA HR100 Gap: 100mm Field strength: 0.1T Field homogeneity: 100ppm (Volume up to 40mm x 40mm)

All probes have high sensitivity or low dead time versions, plus on-demand Probe and Core diameters​

SpecFIT LAB Software

System Configuration​

Operating Frequency, RF Power, Gate and other configurable hardware specifications.

Import Sequences

Possibility of using sequences developed in other software. No sequence number limit.

Signal Analysis​

Adjustment of parameters and execution of sequences. The signals generated in the analyzes can be saved in the database. No storage limit.

Signal History

Visualization of signals saved in the database. Possibility of importing signals generated in other software and other equipment.

Attendance Check

Screen where the FFT is executed to check and adjust the frequency of the NMR signal. This tool generates both the graphical view and the raw data, which can be exported.

Inverse of LaPlace

Screen to perform the LaPlace inverse of one or more signals simultaneously from the database. This tool generates both the graphical view and the raw data, which can be exported.

Software CompSeq

User-friendly software for programming and executing pulse sequences

The right step for your research, with easy-to-operate software

Request your quote and schedule a meeting for more details

Telephone - Whatsapp

+55 16 3364-6662


Rua Laura Villani Piovesan, n º 130 CEP: 13563-652
Jardim Ipanema São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
+55 (16) 3364-6662
+55 (16) 3416-4301

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